In Conclusion...

Its nearly the end of 2020 and I’m updating my website and see that I’ve left a blog page unlinked from my website for awhile (last post I made when it was still linked was in 2013).

There have been a lot of changes this year for me. I had a full time job, now I don’t. In that time I would normally be working I have decided to take some online classes. Just last week I successfully completed the Graphic Design Specialization Certificate course proved by CalArts on Coursera. It was really great to try something new. At the same time I see the head start so many others have on me when it comes to graphic design. I’m willing to put in the work but its an uphill climb for sure.

On the flip side of that I have really been diving in to painting every day. I have a bunch of new pieces (all of which need to be photographed before they get uploaded to the website) and I’m trying some new things. Some were great successes, some I wish I would have stopped sooner. Overall its been a…..year. Can’t say good or bad but its been a year in my career.

I got to celebrate 1 year and a bit more with my wife this year. I also lost a really good friend, and one of my best men this year and that was truly devastating. Only made worse by the quarantine and not being able to spend time with my support network. We have all reconnected even more than before as we got a wake up call that this time we have is finite.

I welcome 2021 and a new beginning. Take care all.